Beyond Software Announces 6.0 Release

Sep 8, 2017 3:35:21 PM

Beyond’s Software’s best in class cloud-based PSA system announces its latest release. Beyond Software 6.0 increases your organizations productivity and helps you make informed, effective business decisions that will maximize your profitability and cash flow.

There's never been a better time to use Beyond Software for your organization's Professional Services Automation (PSA).

The latest release adds many innovative features to an already robust system. This list includes a preview of some of the new features:

  • Mobile dashboards
  • 5 additional account group dimensions (the ability to categorize ledger transactions with user-defined categories)
  • Approval process in mobile time and expense
  • Project contract entry and maintenance feature (includes change orders and the ability to associate multiple projects with a contract)
  • Option to record reasons for time entered/updated for past dates (for DCAA compliance)
  • Grouping of project invoices (multiple invoices included in one file) by Customer or Contract and emailing of invoices
  • Ability to consolidate comments on timesheets
  • Ability to search across mobile apps
  • Action Manager
  • Meeting Manager
  • 100-point exercises (RightPage)
  • Project Budget Variance Report support analysis by Actual Billable or Actual Billed amounts
  • OData interface to key project data. The interface provides integration with Excel spreadsheets (including data refresh) as well as Microsoft’s PowerBI
  • And many more additional features and enhancements


beyond software 6.0

For additional information on Beyond Software’s latest release contact:

Nicole Holliday

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